Good day Jerry,
Thanks for the reply. Equations (41) and (42) each say that
the total current coming into a junction is equal to the
total current leaving the junction, and I suppose that,
strictly speaking, there is no variable to differentiate.
The way I thought of it was to take away the evaluation of
these currents at s_junc, differentiate both sides with
respect to s, and then evaluate at s_junc. Since this
appears to be invalid, let me ask the following question.
Consider a figure like Figure 2 in the theory manual with a
segmint i haveing two wire at each of its ends, all with the
same wire radius. Is df_1/ds=df_2/ds-df_i/ds at each end of
segment i? That is, for equal radius wires, the line charge
density is the same on each wire at a junction?
Doug Miron
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