Good Day All,
This is the first time I am posting on the net so I hope I do it
As a hobby I chase the orbiting WXsats around the skies and am always
trying out different receive antennae.
I have been modelling the QFH and have concluded that there is more to
learn than meets the eye.
I have researched many articles and handbooks on the subject and after
much modelling have a number of questions. I would certainly
appreciate to hear from anyone who has modelled AND BUILT / MEASURED
such antennae.
The QFA I am working on is a self-phased unit, ie , a small loop
inside a large loop. The frequency of operation is the 137 MHz WX-Sat
The items of concern are :
1. What is the mathematical relationship between helix diameter and
length to radiation pattern
2. What is the more optimal antenna shape, ie, antenna length,number
of helix turns, helix diameter/length ratio for a reasonable
horizon to horizon hemispherical coverage?
3. How does one determine the optimum delta frequency above and below
the 137MHz center frequency at which to resonate the small and
large loop, ensuring the 90 degree phase shift between the 2
4. When determining loop resonance, should this be with the 'other'
loop present? The presence of the other loop shifts the resonant
frequency ( where reactance = 0) up by 900KHz for the small loop
and 500KHz for the large loop 5. Is it possible to mathematically
quantify the relationship between the element wire diameter, and
antenna resonance as well as feed impedance at resonance.
I have,among many designs, tried the following (courtesy
R.W.Hollander, Technote 1999-1, of the group 'De Kunstmaan').
Radiation pattern optimal at approx 30 degrees above horizon -
supposed helix diameter/length ratio of 0.44.
Loop resonant frequencies designed for 3.2MHz above (small loop) and
below (large loop) 137.5MHz
Loop sizes are therefore :
small loop
diameter = 310mm length = 702mm
half turn helix
large loop
diameter = 326mm length =741mm
half turn helix
However, even though the antenna SWR is lowest at 137.5MHz, the 90
degree phase shift is not 90 degrees!.
When observing Real impedance (R) and Imaginary impedance(X) for the
combined loops, the two loops should both show resonance at the
center frequency. This design places the small loop at 137.2MHz and
the large loop at 137.9MHz instead of at 137.5MHz.
Modifying the loop's sizes (keeping the 0.44 ratio) to bring the
resonant frequency to center causes the single loop SWR (with the
other loop present) to shift asymetrically from the center frequency
when compared to the other loop SWR.
Iterating through this process simply seems to increase the 'drift'
of these parameters.
I have built a variety of different QFH antenna, some 'Tall and Thin'
quarter turn, some squat half turn, etc. MANY hours of modelling
preceded the implementation and MANY subsequent hours were spent
trimming lengths/diameters to resonate the antenna.
The measured results have proven only that it is very difficult to
obtain the 90 degree feed phase shift required. I have also tried a
'same sized loop' implementation using a mini circuits 90 degree
phase shifter, but the results were generally poorer.
I still intend to pursue the QFH since I for some reason enjoy the
elegance of the implementation!
Any ideas? The NEC file is as follows :
CM 137.7MHz WXsat APT receive antenna
CM located on top of a pole 3meters above ground
GH 1 40 1.4 .700 .154 .154 .154 .154 .012
GM 1 1 0 0 180 0 0 0 1
GW 4,15, .154,0,0, -.154,0,0, .012
GW 5,15, .154,0,.700, -.154,0,.700, .012
GM 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 .015 0
GH 6 40 1.460 .730 .162 .162 .162 .162 .012
GM 1 1 0 0 180 0 0 0 6
GW 8,15, .162,0,0, -.162,0,0, .012
GW 9,15, .162,0,.730, -.162,0,.730, .012
GM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
GE -1
GN 2 0 0 0 13 .005
EX 0 4 8 00 1. 0.
EX 0 8 8 00 0. 1.
FR 0 8 0 0 137.5 .5
RP 0 36 36 1000 -90 0. 5. 10.
Joseph Noci.
Director, Research and development
Advanced Technologies and Engineering.
South Africa.
Received on Fri Jun 23 2000 - 21:58:16 EDT
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