On Tue, 13 Jan 2004 06:02:04 -0800 (PST)
"D. B. Miron" <dbmiron_at_paulbunyan.net> wrote:
> Good day Roy,
> Also, what other undocumented
> commands are there? I've written C++ code to generate coils
> as part of my wire-list-generating programs. Mine start and
> finish on the z axis, winding out to the specified cylinder
> radius in a half-turn. What does the GH command do?
Below is the documentation of the GH command - it is hardly an
undocumented command! I have it as part of and old (fortran) NEC-2
Basic structures:
# Structure Geometry Input
* Wire Arc Specification(GA)
* End Geometry Input (GE)
* Read NGF File (GF)
* Helix - Spiral Specification (GH)
* Coordinate Transformation (GM)
* Generate Cylindrical Structure(GR)
* Scale Structure Dimensions (GS)
* Wire Specification (GW)
* Reflection in Coordinate Planes (GX)
* Surface Patch (SP)
* Multiple Patch Surface (SM)
* Examples of Structure Geometry Data
The GH construct:
Cols Parameter
1- 2 GH
3- 5 I1 - ITG
6-10 I2 - NS
11-20 F1 - S
21-30 F2 - HL
31-40 F3 - A1
41-50 F4 - B1
51-60 F5 - A2
61-70 F6 - B2
71-80 F7 - RAD
ITG (11) - Tag number assigned to all segments of the helix or
NS (12) - Number of segments into which the helix or spiral
will be divided.
Floating Point
S (F1) - Spacing between turns.
HL (F2) - Total length of the helix.
A1 (F3) - Radius in x at z = 0.
B1 (F4) - Radius in y at z = 0.
A2 (F5) - Radius in x at z = HL.
B2 (F6) - Radius in y at z = HL.
RAD (F7) - Radius of wire.
* Notes: Structure will be a helix if A2 = A1 and HL > 0.
* Structure will be a spiral if A2 = A1 and HL = 0.
o Unless it has been fixed in the codes in circulation, the use
of HL=0 for a flat spiral will result in division by zero in NEC-2. GH was
a non-official addition to NEC-2 * HL negative gives a left-handed
helix. * HL positive gives a right-handed helix.
Note JC: at least nec2dxs uses S to indicate handedness
* S positive gives a right-handed helix
* S negative gives a left-handed helix
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