At Sat, May 18 2002 [11:39 +0200], aroused my curiosity
> In all these three sources I found references to a "PL" (plot) card
> with four arguments I1 to I4. However, the nec-2 user manual does
> not mention this type of card/deck. So, maybe this was added by
> someone for private use...
Hello Arie,
I'm a newbie in NEC2 (trying to use it for three weeks now) but I've
found some information about the PL card in a old users's guide for
NEEDS 2.0 (old DOS-program that uses NEC-81 Version 2.2). It looks
like the page about the PL card was added later to the user's guide
(my user's guide is from 1995 - the original from 1989).
> Does anybody have extra information about this "PL" card.
Here is the "hand-typed" information from the NEEDS 2.0 User's
guide (sorry for the long lines):
Purpose: The PL command sets flags for writing selected output data
into a predesignated file for later plotting.
IPLP1 (I1) - data type to be written into auxilliary file.
Options are:
IPLP1 = 0 No action
= 1 Currents
= 2 Near fields
= 3 Patterns
= 4 Impedance, SWR
= 5 Admittance, SWR
Remaining integers depend on data type.
a. Currents (IPLP = 1)
IPLP2 (I2) - Wire current component format options are:
IPLP2 = 0 No action
= 1 Real and imaginary
= 2 Magnitude and phase
IPLP3 (I3) - Surface patch current components options are:
IPLP3 = 0 No action
= 1 Ix
= 2 Iy
= 3 Iz
= 4 Ix,Iy,Iz
(All measured in magnitude and phase)
b. Near Fields (IPLP1 = 2)
IPLP2 (I2) - Near field components format options are:
IPLP2 = 0 No action
= 1 Real and imaginary
= 2 Magnitude and phase
IPLP3 (I3) - Near field components options are:
IPLP3 = 0 No action
= 1 X - component
= 2 Y - component
= 3 Z - component
= 4 X,Y,Z component
= 5 Total Field (magnitude only)
IPLP4 (I4) - Coordinate to be stored options are:
IPLP4 = 1 X - coordinate
= 2 Y - coordinate
= 3 Z - coordinate
c. Far field patterns (IPLP1 = 3)
IPLP2 (I2) - Angles to be written into auxilliary file options are:
IPLP2 = 1 Theta (or Z for RP1)
= 2 Phi
= 3 Rho (for RP1)
IPLP3 (I3) - Electric field component options are:
IPLP3 = 0 No action
= 1 Etheta
= 2 Ephi
(Field components in magnitude and phase)
= 3 Erho (for RP1)
IPLP4 (I4) - Power pattern component options are:
IPLP4 = 0 No action
= 1 Vertical gain (dB)
= 2 Horizontal gain (dB)
= 3 Total gain (dB)
= 4 Vertical, Horizontal & Total Gain (dB)
1. The PL card may be used anywhere between the GE and XQ commands.
2. A PL card with IPLP = 0 will suspend any previous PL specs.
3. All the data requested is written out to the a file named F0R008.DAT. Use this file to do plotting.
I hope that is what you are looking for.
Nice "Pfingsten" and Tschoe,
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