Comparison for diffrent nec2 programs.

From: Peter Richeson <richesop_at_email.domain.hidden>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 96 10:04:58 CST

In an attempt to valadate the version of NEC I have on my Intergraph I ran the 7
examples through mine and 2 versions for the pc. nec2 and nec2d. Here are my

File Intergraph nec2 nec2d
ex1 ok ok 1 ok
ex2 ok ok error 2
ex3 ok ok ok
ex4 core dump ok error 3
ex5 ok ok ok
ex6 core dump ok 1 error 3
ex7 ok ok ok

1) Had to fix the input file. removed the ',' from the file.
2) NDP error - invalid Number Integer overflow.
3) NDP error - Arithmetic overflow

The pc is a pentium, 8M ram.

Any ony tried to run the examples?

Any ideas why nec2d won't run 2,4 and 6? I know 4 and 6 both use SP and 2 does
not. I assume that is why they crash on the Intergraph.

Ideas on where to look on the Intergraph for SP?

.      '''
.     (o o)
Peter D. Richeson                    | "I don't believe in a no-win   |
Email: |  scenaro."                     |
Phone  (205)461-2603                 |    - Admiral James T. Kirk     ||                                |
I do not speak for any one but me, and some times not even for me.
Received on Wed Jan 10 1996 - 18:10:00 EST

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